I would submit that we have no rights, at least not in the eternal sense. To argue otherwise is to adopt an entitlement mentality. Sadly, we Americans can't seem to help looking at liberty from the perspective of what we believe we are entitled to. When we complain about government intrusion into our lives, we gripe about "our freedoms" being taken away.
We need to remember that everything we have was given to us. We are entitled to nothing. In fact, the only things we deserve are death and eternal punishment (Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, 2 Thessalonians 1:9). So, from a Christian standpoint, how do we reconcile our theology with the traditional American view of liberty?

One important thing to note about the Ten Commandments is that in using words like "you shall not," they focus on God's rights, not ours. Since all men are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), all men should be treated with dignity, respect, and love -- not because they deserve it, but because God deserves it.
1 comment:
You make a good adjustment. "Desserts" are grossly misunderstood because men believe themselves to be self-authenticating, rather than contingent creatures. Therefore they are not content with freedom alone, seeking to be further endowed with the right to health, the right to safety, and the right of prosperity, all at the expense of their neighbors.
But to nitpick, borrowing marriage terminology, what God has joined together let no man separate. We do therefore have a "right" to life, liberty, and property, insofar as God has given these to us, and that God has given these to us is "self-evident" truth. That's the argument the American founders were making. They (even the Deists) understood their contingency on Providence, and understood "rights" as what God has endowed. Rights are eternal, as they flow (undeserved, for sure) from the Eternal Authority.
Some folks differentiate between inalienable and unalienable, but I'll leave that alone for now.
Love your blog, keep it up.
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