Friday, January 17, 2014

This Week in Calvinism - January 17, 2014

  • Roger Olson "can't resist announcing the publication of a new book": Young. Restless. No Longer Reformed, by Austin Fischer.

  • Robin Phillips stopped being a Calvinist because "Calvinism destroys God's justice."

  • Some of Mark Shea's favorite people he has come to know since becoming Catholic are former Calvinists. Shea writes that his own experience with Calvinism "was of nothing but a bone-chilling encounter with satanic pride and evil that almost destroyed my hope in the goodness of God."

  • One reason Bob Hadley rejects Calvinism is because "total depravity and inability are not Biblically sustainable concepts and in fact are difficult to sustain especially in the Old Testament and in the event of Adam's original sin itself."

  • The latest ebook from John Piper: An All-Consuming Passion for Jesus. You can download it here.

  • Reformed libertarian C. Jay Engel gives a rough overview of his position on Reformed Two Kingdom theology.

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