Wednesday, January 28, 2009

John Piper Addresses President Obama on Abortion


Unknown said...

Who were these people that "wept for joy" at Obama's inauguration? Please tell me that Piper wasn't one of the ones weeping. I can only surmise that if he did, it was because he thinks there is some sort of nobility in electing a black man. And I'm sure he thinks his election was a slap in the face to all the white "racists". Well, when 95% of the black population voted for Obama simply because he's black - which includes a huge portion of church-going blacks - then not only should Piper be castigating Obama for his abortion stance, he also needs to lecture the black population on the evils of "racism".

Stephen Cochrane said...

I guess Piper should've taken a stronger stance before the election - instead of telling people he wishes palin would be a stay at home mom and that having an african american president would be a thrilling thing. what a crockChris, you said:

"not only should Piper be castigating Obama for his abortion stance, he also needs to lecture the black population on the evils of "racism"."

Good point! But it's not complete. Piper should also be castigating all those people, such as Lee Shelton, who stayed home on election day. By staying home (or voting third party) they handed us the most pro-murder president in our country's history on a silver platter.

Lee Shelton said...

Still can't swallow those sour grapes, eh, Stephen? Sorry your wish of another Republican pro-murder presidency didn't come true.

Stephen Cochrane said...

my wish of a pro-murder republican president didn't come true. But your wish of an even more pro-murder president did come true. Thanks a lot crack baby!

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